January’s Corpora et Anima track – Murus tuus, by Jacquet of Mantua

Into 2024 with the fourth of our five tracks recorded to raise awareness (AND MONEY) for breast cancer research and support – and if 2024 is as epic as this piece, we can’t wait for it.

There is not a lot known about “Murus tuus” except for its composer – Jacques Colebault, known as Jacquet of Mantua – and its publication in Gardano’s Mottetti del frutto a sei voci (1539). It uses imagery from the Song of Songs and Marian devotion to (literally) construct Mary as a fortress: she says, “I am a wall, and my breasts are like a mighty tower.”

This one is for all the strong women, and the strong women who support them when they can’t be as strong as they like.

Hop over to Bandcamp and download the track for free, but do please donate instead to Breast Cancer Now and METUP UK. And look out for the final release, which will coincide with World Cancer Day, 4 February 2024. That’s when we will be sharing the bejeezus out of a specially made playlist of All the Early Music and All the Lady Parts.
