For Choirs

Musica Secreta is keen to encourage female-voice choirs and ensembles to experiment with renaissance and baroque repertoire, just as we have, in order to be able to perform a wealth of music that has remained too long under wraps!

Together or individually, Laurie, Kate, and Claire can introduce challenging and exciting topics that reflect their intimate knowledge of the renaissance and early baroque repertoires, as well as performance styles and techniques. Whether polyphony from around the world, or chant, they can help your group venture into new territory and introduce you to some fabulous music.  Single sessions, days or weekends can be devised to suit your interests and aspirations.

Details of our current workshops, for other groups or arranged by us, are here.

Getting your choir started

Our score shop is growing all the time, as we add music that has formed the core of our recording and workshop repertoire for years.  Join our mailing list to hear about special offers or better still, get your choir to join our choir membership scheme for exclusive scores, three times a year.

Our Music for female-voice choirs information page introduces the basic rules for arranging that were used by women at courts and convents. With a few simple guidelines and pointers towards repertoire that is both accessible and suitable for a range of abilities, female-only groups can transform their libraries.


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