O magnum mysterium (Morales), down minor 3rd
£2.00 – £5.60
Downloadable files available:
- Full vocal score
- Keyboard reduction
- Audio file with pitch and count-in, in equal temperament.
Voice ranges as in thumbnail. More details, perusal score, and audio sample below.
We sell these scores with a licence to print the number of copies you need for your choir.
Discounts on multiple copies:
6-10 | 15% |
11-20 | 20% |
21-30 | 25% |
31-40 | 30% |
41 or more | 35% |
Source: Palma de Mallorca, Fundación Bartolomé March, Biblioteca Ms. R. 6832 (862)
Transposition: down m3rd, and at pitch (on separate product page).
Difficulty: relatively easy
Length: 03:34 mins.
Editors/copyright: Laurie Stras © 2021.
Perusal score: Watermarked. Please click here.
Organ reduction.
Licence Information
Our licence system obviously depends on good faith, but it highlights and protects our copyright, which is at greater risk in digital publishing. All proceeds from our sales support Musica Secreta’s charitable objects – research, performing, and recording – so by buying from us you are helping us make more female-voice polyphonic repertoire available to everyone.
Licence Agreement
Subject to purchase from this site, you are authorised to produce prints of the pdf items named above, up to the total given in the invoice. If further copies are needed (unless to replace damaged or lost material from the first prints) you must contact Musica Secreta here. Please note that any onward transmission of this material, either digitally or in printed copies, is strictly forbidden and is an infringement of copyright. Public performances and recordings of this material should be notified to the appropriate performing rights organisation.
Text and translation
O magnum mysterium
et admirabile sacramentum,
ut animalia viderent Dominum natum
jacentem in praesepio.
Beata Virgo, cujus viscera meruerunt
portare Dominum Jesum Christum.
Domine, audivi auditum tuum et timui:
consideravi opera tua, et expavi:
in medio duorum animalium.
O great mystery
and wonderful sacrament,
that animals should see the new-born Lord
lying in a manger.
Blessed is the Virgin whose womb
was worthy to bear Jesus Christ the Lord.
Lord, I heard your voice and was afraid;
I considered your works and I trembled:
between two animals